Mason makes IT news again

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OK, I guess this is an improvement over the last time Mason made IT news

From C/Net News

The federal government is funding the development of a prototype surveillance tool by George Mason University researchers who have discovered a novel way to trace Internet phone conversations.

Their project is designed to let police identify whether suspects under surveillance have been communicating through voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)--information that would be unavailable today if people choose to communicate surreptitiously. The eavesdropping technique already has been shown to work with Skype, the researchers say.

"From a privacy advocate's point of view, this is an attack on privacy," Xinyuan Wang, an assistant professor of software engineering and principal investigator, said Tuesday. "From a police point of view, this is a way to trace things."

To translate his research into a tool that could be used by police in a successor version of the FBI's Carnivore system, Wang received a grant of $307,436 from the National Science Foundation this month. The grant calls for the development of a prototype VoIP-tracing application to provide a "critical but currently missing capability in the fight on crime and terrorism."

The NSF grant comes as federal police are fretting about criminals using VoIP to mask their communications. The Federal Communications Commission on Friday approved mandatory wiretapping requirements for some VoIP providers, and the FBI has been warning for more than two years that VoIP may become a "haven for criminals, terrorists and spies."

At the moment, two Skype users who wish to conceal the fact that they're chatting can direct their computers to bounce their conversation off a commercial anonymizing service, sometimes called a proxy service. Such services are offered by, and

The FBI or any other government agency that's eavesdropping on both ends of the link would see that each person was connected to the anonymizing server--but couldn't know for sure who was talking to whom. The more customers who use the service at once, the more difficult it would be for investigators to connect the dots.

Wang discovered he could embed a unique, undetectable signature in Skype packets and then identify that signature when they reached their destination. The technique works in much the same way as a radioactive marker that a patient swallows, permitting doctors to monitor its progress through the digestive system.

"It's based on the flow itself," Wang said. "I embed a watermark into the flow itself, the timing of the packets. By adjusting the timing of select packets slightly, it's transparent. There's no overhead in the bandwidth, and it's very subtle. It's mingled with the background noise." (The anonymizing service tested was, which did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Tuesday.)

A paper co-authored by Wang and fellow George Mason researchers Shiping Chen and Sushil Jajodia describing their results is scheduled to be presented at a computer security conference in November. An early draft concludes that "tracking anonymous, peer-to-peer VoIP calls on the Internet is feasible" with only 3-millisecond timing alterations as long as the calls are at least 90 seconds long.

Peter Wayner, an author of books on cryptography who is teaching at Dartmouth College, predicts that an arms race could develop between VoIP programmers and eavesdroppers. The George Mason research "seems as likely to yield new techniques in anonymizing as it is to yield techniques for stripping people of their privacy," Wayner said.

"I think it's pretty academic right now," Wayner said. "It would take a lot of work to track people. They'd have to really be interested in someone to use it."

The George Mason researchers' technique does not try to decipher the contents of encrypted conversations (Skype, VoicePulse and PeerMe are VoIP providers that use encryption). In other words, it tries to glean only the identities of the participants, not what they say.

Clone a Solaris boot disk

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Having a disk failure the other day reminded me I need to create a clone of the boot drive in our V880 machine…so recovery from the inevitable disk failure won’t require a full reinstall of Solaris (had to do that a year or so ago and it took way longer than I wanted it to). Since I’m not a fan of tape backups, I want to have a boot-drive cloning system in place (like I use for Linux & Mac OSX Server machines). Haven’t found a Carbon Copy Cloner for Solaris yet, so here’s the next best thing.

Here are my notes thus far:

1) Install a duplicate of the boot drive … same geometry, and so on. This part isn’t too hard in the standardized Solaris hardware realm. This isn’t critical but it makes things a lot easier. If you don’t have an identical drive, you can’t use the prtvtoc command shown below.

2) Partition the new drive exactly like the existing one. You can do this via the format command…counting cylinders and so on…but here’s a much faster (and less error-prone) way to do that:

Say the original drive is c1t0d0
and the new drive is c1t4d0

prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2 | fmthard -s – /dev/rdsk/c1t4d0s2

Voila…new drive is partitoned exactly like the orginal.

Now, this script will build new file systems on the partitions of the new disk…matching those on the original. Then it will run ufsdump, copying data from the original to the new drive…then unmount the new “clone” drive. Finally it makes the new clone bootable. Note that this jazzy blog format wraps lines on the installboot line of the script…a “man installboot” will give you a clean copy of the syntax.

#! /bin/ksh
# script assumes:
# c1t0d0 is original
# c1t4d0 is drive we’ll turn into a clone

partlist=$(prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c1t4d0s2 | awk ‘!/\*/ {print $1}’)

for p in $partlist
if [ “$p” != “1” -a “$p” != “2” ]
newfs /dev/rdsk/c1t4d0s$p < /dev/null mount /dev/dsk/c1t4d0s$p /mnt cd /mnt ufsdump 0uf - /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s$p | ufsrestore rf - cd / umount /mnt fi done mount /dev/dsk/c1t4d0s0 /mnt installboot /usr/platform/`uname -i`/lib/fs/ufs/bootblk \ /dev/rdsk/c1t4d0s0 umount /mnt exit 0

Update (9/23/2005): The other day our power went off (again) so I decided to test whether the clone drive I created using this process actually worked as I had hoped. Pulled the disk out & put it in the boot drive’s slot (0) on the V880…when power came back on I hit the switch…yes…it booted fine and loaded Oracle, Voyager and everything else without a hitch.

Shut things back down & swapped the drive back out of the boot position–but now I can sleep a bit more peacefully.

OSX cracked for PC use

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Well, that sure didn’t take long.

This French site explains how to get OSX (intel developer build) to run on a plain vanilla intel PC. They also offer a couple of torrent files (.mov) that show the system booting up & running. [Note to cameraman…I know it’s pretty exciting but use a tripod for your next amazing video]

The “this french site” link runs their page through Google’s translator…so it’s a bit quirky…but if you get one of the movies (preferably the 2nd one), you’ll see that it works.

cheesy laptop running os x

I think Apple considers itself primarily a hardware company but if they would enable OS X to run on junkbox intel PC’s they’d soon discover that they were suddenly making a lot more money. They could still make Apple hardware–and many users would pay a bit more for the integrated solution–but as Mr. Gates’ bankers will tell you, you can get pretty rich just selling an OS.

My only gripe about this whole MacIntel thing is that it wasn’t unveiled as a “MacAMD” solution…I mean, an Opteron would have saved Apple from having to take back all their 64-bit hype and created a more attractive product to boot (no pun intended). I still wonder where XServe fits in this intel strategy. Maybe Apple figures Intel will have a decent 64-bit chip by the time the transition hits the Apple’s server lineup.

database driven resource listings…

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A MySQL-based system I wrote about six years ago is getting kinda long in the tooth and I’m eager to replace it with something “newer” and, of course, better. If you know of an open-source, database-driven system for building a “guide to databases” sort of system, I’d love to hear about it. I’ve worked thru OSS4LIB (which still points users to the OSCR e-reserves system I wrote in the late 90’s) but didn’t really find anything that fit.

Here’s what I’m eager to replace:

What I’d like to find is a setup based on MySQL or Postgres…that uses PHP…that uses CSS and/or templates…and supports simple alphabetical lists and subject-oriented listings as well. Other features would be great, too, but I’m happy to start with something simple… Oh, one more thing…it has to run on either Solaris, Linux or Mac OS X Server…which I guess is my way of saying I’m not going to set up a Windows server or learn Cold Fusion.

New York Times Cybertimes Navigator

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Just a note to point out a really good site, the New York Times Cybertimes Navigator.

From their “about this page” section:

For more than 10 years, the Newsroom Navigator has been used by New York Times reporters and editors as the starting point for their forays onto the Web. Its primary intent is to give the news staff a solid starting point for a wide range of journalistic functions without forcing all of them to spend time wandering around to find a useful set of links of their own.

Several librarians in Public Services have been experimenting with blogs and I thought posting this nice introduction to blogging (from the Cybertimes Navigator) was a good idea.

There is a media focus to many of the sites/links…but an appreciation of tools for finding information is something librarians and journalists share.

DSpace 1.3 arrives

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DSpace 1.3 has been released. Dorothea has installed it on our test/staging server and modifications are being made there. We’ll probably not rush to move it to our production server as we have no pressing immediate need for the new functionality and a local reworking of the system’s look and feel is underway on the 1.3 code. Stay tuned.

Changes in DSpace 1.3
General Improvements

* Initial i18n Support for JSPs – Note: the implementation of this feature required changes to almost all JSP pages
* LDAP authentication support
* Log file analysis and report generation
* Configurable item licence viewing
* Supervision order/collaborative workspace administrative tools
* Basic workspace for submissions in progress, with support for supervision
* SRB storage system option
* Updated handle server system
* Database optimisations
* Latest versions of Xerces, Xalan and OAICAT jars
* Various documentation additions and cleanups

Bug fixes

* 1161459 – ItemExporter fails with Too many open files
* 1167373 – Email date field not populated
* 1193948 – New item submit problem
* 1188132 – NullPointerException when Adding EPerson
* 1188016 – Cannot Edit an Eperson
* 1219701 – Unable to open unfinished submission
* 1206836 – community strengths not reflecting sub-community
* 1238262 – Submit UI nav/progress buttons no longer show progress
* 1238276 – Double quote problem in some fields in submit UI
* 1238277 – format support level not shown in “uploaded file” page
* 1242548 – Uploading non-existing files
* 1244743 – Bad lookup key for special case of DC Title in
* 1245223 – Subscription Emailer fails
* 1247508 – Error when browsing item with no content/bitstream collections
* Set the content type in the HTTP header
* Fix issue where EPerson edit would not work due to form indexing (partial fix)
* POST handling in HTMLServlet
* Missing ContentType directives added to some JSPs
* Name dependency on Collection Admin and Submitter groups fixed
* Fixed OAI-PMH XML encoding

Power failure

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Down today (Tuesday) from about noon till 2:30pm thanks to a power failure across campus. Gave us the opportunity (?) to fully discharge our UPS units.

Server drive crash

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What a fun Saturday. Was running a backup from home on the library’s primary webserver/MySQL machine…when I began getting things like this in my output:

Jul 30 11:16:57 infosparc       Error for Command: read(10)          
Jul 30 11:16:57 infosparc scsi: [ID 107833 kern.notice]         
Jul 30 11:16:57 infosparc scsi: [ID 107833 kern.notice]                               
Jul 30 11:16:57 infosparc scsi: [ID 107833 kern.notice]     

Not good. In fact, terrible. The drive died…speaking of drives, I had to drive in immediately and see what could be done. Not too much….and the bad part is that this particular drive was home to my highly configured apache and mysql installations, not to mention the library’s website, e-reserves system, campus phone book, the list goes on & on…

Had pretty decent backups of important data but not a good copy of MySQL or some of the other things that caused hours of work..

As I write this, we’re back at about 98%…I’m sure there are a few files on the server that are now having a Dylan-like experience …”ah but I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now.”

MARS Wiki up & running

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Installed a copy of MediaWiki today (the engine that powers Wikipedia) and with Dorothea’s help, got a MARS wiki up and running. Right now we’re using it to document various sysadmin-related topics but it should also prove useful as a way to colloborate on policy and procedure development, future directions and so on.

URL to the wiki is:

Was stymied on the install until I discovered that SuSE Linux 9.x does not come with php’s “session” module installed…so the wiki bombed anytime it called “session_set_cookie_params()”

Thanks to Google for sweeping up and indexing millions of web pages so I could find the two that mentioned my problem and hinted at the solution. A trip to got me going…of course, there were a few false starts until I matched the version of with the version of /usr/bin/php.

Activate ARD via SSH

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Working on a server today via Remote Desktop, I accidentally turned ARD services off…which left me unable to get back in to turn them back on. Found this command that enables you to log onto the box via ssh and then as root, activate ARD again. This command will restart the ARD service giving access to anyone in the admin group. Once running, you can go in again via ARD and make sure everything’s right.

./kickstart -activate -configure -access -on -users admin -privs -all -restart -agent -menu

Apple has a tech note on the topic: