Navicat solves one final “switcher” problem

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A year or so ago when I switched away from Windows, about the only thing I continued to miss was the ability to run Access on my local PC and via an ODBC connection to a couple of Solaris servers, manage MySQL databases. Yes, it built up my MySQL command line skills, ssh’ing into the server to make little corrections and whatnot, but it wasn’t as easy or as productive as the old way.

Finally, today, I learned about a product that I suppose most other MySQL users already know well—but I just discovered that they make a Mac OS X version too: Navicat

Navicat began life as a shareware product (MySQL Studio) but migrated over time to a commercial package. It offers a number of features you might well expect (create tables, edit data in tables, etc.) and many that may surprise you: import/export data; server administration, data migration and more. It’s an impressive package and if it fills your need as well as it has mine, it is easily worth the $99 ($75 for education users).

There’s also a Postgres version of Navicat (of interest to DSpace installations, perhaps).