Catch up

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forsythfountain.jpgSpent the past few days in Savannah attending the Spring 2006 ASERL meeting (standing in for our University Librarian who was unable to attend). This was a ‘back to the future’ sort of trip for me–I lived in Savannah for a couple of years in the early 1980’s. My apartment was on Monterey Square and I still remember the night when my neighbor (Jim Williams) made modern Savannah famous. Little seems to have changed but one new thing I saw should be mentioned–the Telfair Museum has opened a new building. Designed by architect Moshe Safdie it brings a really impressive new exhibition space to Savannah.

Dan Cohen D-LibAnother item I want to point out is a new article by Dan Cohen which appears in this month’s D-Lib magazine. Dan is (once again) doing some very interesting work applying new technologies to the task of historical research. His article on data mining and digital collections is really interesting reading. I want to add a personal note of congratulations to Dan for creating an article in D-Lib that doesn’t contain a single incomprehensible chart!