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Two posts in a row on search engines. This one’s more interesting than Ms. Dewey.

Google has discretely placed a new search engine on the net—well, to be more accurate, what we can safely say is that it is a new UI for the regular google service. You won’t find the Google name anywhere on the page but “whois” reveals that was registered to Google in September of this year.
SearchmashLayout’s a bit different and various AJAX’y features reduce the number of page backs you have to do (e.g., hit “more results” and more results add on to the page you’ve been viewing). Also nice is the fact that a search also pulls up the top three image hits as well. Nothing to do with AJAX but it’s really nice to be spared advertising and “sponsored links” as well.

Worth a visit, and I hope at least of few of these features make it into the “mainstream” search.